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Artist Profile: LitaLotus

In the wake of her family’s home burning down in late 2018, Lita Frazier aka LitaLotus faced a fiery set of challenges unlike any she’s braved before. She experienced total shock. Her parents were devastated. They lost mementos that held immense meaning. But like a phoenix rising from the ashes, one thing Lita never lost was the spark that ignites their inner being aflame.

“Mine and my parents' home burned down at the end of 2018. To this day, things are still difficult,” shares LitaLotus, based in California. “I never thought I’d come this far after all the trauma and pain I have been through. Through much struggle and with a lot of patience, I now have my own car and one bedroom apartment.”

Rebuilding parts of her life post-incident, Lita strengthened the passion they’ve always had for music and the resilience that fuels her fire. From a young age, Lita was immersed in her parents’ unique music worlds. Her mother blasted 90s pop and techno, with their dad jamming out to rap and heavy metal.

“I was very lucky to grow up with parents who loved a wide variety of music. As I got older, I was very blessed to have my parents take me to multiple concerts across genres,” says LitaLotus. “I remember there were summers where every weekend I was going to a concert or show with my parents. Literally, from the Backstreet Boys to Ozzfest, my parents took me to everything.”

From Transition to Transformation

​Early exposure to a vast array of genres and live events shaped the energetic fusion unique to LitaLotus’s present sound designs. Experiencing major adjustments as an adolescent also influenced their apt ability to adapt both in the music industry and in her personal life. They were raised in Concord, California, a densely populated part of the East Bay Area.

​However, at 17, her family moved to the more rural Oroville/Concow region. This transitional period proved transformative for Lita.

​“By growing up in a large city and moving to a small town, I had to adapt to a new environment and form new relationships with others. Due to this move, I was able to spend a large majority of time finding myself and exploring music,” says LitaLotus.

It was in this small-town environment where LitaLotus invented their electronic craft and expanded her production expertise. She routinely experimented with affordable audio equipment to learn the tricks of the trade.

​“I started off using the Mixxx Program on my laptop and I will never forget that. It mimics an actual music controller but works as a computer program, and that is how I was able to suffice until I could afford my own controller,” explains LitaLotus, a Butte Community College graduate with degrees in photography, social & behavioral science, and peace & global studies. “For those just starting out with mixing and unable to afford a mixer/controller, I highly suggest getting the Mixxx Program to become familiar with all the controls and actions so you can craft your skill from the get-go.”

​Drawing inspiration from their parents’ eclectic tastes and the likes of late 2000s dubstep dons, LitaLotus landed on The Widdler’s discography, developing a knack for his early heaters. From blasting The Widdler’s tunes in her bedroom to regularly working with him in a mentorship capacity, LitaLotus has molded her life lessons into tangible opportunities for growth and success.

​“My first inspiration in this music scene was The Widdler. I found his music in college when I was 18. His song ‘Froggy Style’ was the first dubstep track I ever heard, and since then, I’ve been hooked,” says LitaLotus. “More than 10 years later, I feel blessed to say I have the pleasure to speak with him often. He helps me with my own music career between mixing and producing. I feel inclined to say that I truly feel inspired, now more than ever, by myself and how far I have come.”

​Now a rising star in bass music circles across the U.S., LitaLotus is a femme fatale to watch. And notable artists in the 140bpm realm are taking note.

Gaining Momentum & Giving Affirmation

​Recently, Ternion Sound gave LitaLotus a momentous shout-out during one of their Discord streams. An artist shared with the chat that they wanted to collaborate with better-known producers, but that they lacked the confidence to do so. LitaLotus gently stepped in to offer affirming wisdom that has worked in her favor to this day: "Closed mouths don’t get fed."

​This mirrors the common advice that ‘if you don’t ask, then you won’t receive.’ In the chat, Lita Lotus expressed how adhering to this perspective helped her secure pivotal collaborations that accelerated her visibility in the electronic industry.

​“Aric, of Ternion Sound, then added, ‘Yes, look at Lita! She was a fan when we first met, and now, she is an up-and-coming producer and DJ being booked for shows and festivals. It’s amazing to see her growth!’ Together, we expressed to this artist that the world really is at your fingertips and you can have whatever you set your mind to,” says LitaLotus. “This interaction made me feel so validated because one of my idols sees my work and my intentions in the scene.”

​LitaLotus feels honored to be recognized for their growth in a male-dominated industry that is structurally designed to prevent women and nonbinary people from accessing long-term and equitable opportunities to succeed. Like a vast majority of music scenes, the electronic industry is permeated with various forms of gender marginalization.

Confronting Sexism & Misogyny in Music Scenes

​Systemic sexism shows up in electronic spaces collectively proclaimed to be safe through women and femmes experiencing discrimination and violence. From lacking mentorship access, being spoken over, and receiving micro-aggressions, to being fired at random or experiencing sexual assault, women and nonbinary people in the music industry undeniably face a unique range of challenges unfathomable to the men in charge. This patriarchal hierarchy ultimately hurts everyone, including the men it benefits.

​Leaders like LitaLotus are paving an equitable path forward, understanding that change starts small and results in larger ripples with enough unity and persistence.

“Any preconceived notion you have about womyn and nonbinary producers and DJs needs to go right out the window. What matters is who we are as people, the vibe we curate and skills we bring to table. And I cannot stand hearing ‘I can't find any women or nonbinary artists.’ That just means you are not trying,” says LitaLotus. “Just ask someone. Go on any music platform. Check any label, any social media platform. You will find us.”

​Dismantling patriarchal behavior and toxic masculinity in the music industry is not a burden for men to bear alone. LitaLotus points out that some women are also responsible for perpetuating internalized misogyny, which is insidious by nature and can initially be difficult to notice for those who are not used to confronting deeply-ingrained biases.

“Something important to take into consideration is what it is like to be a womyn or nonbinary person in the music industry, as well as in general. We hide from people to avoid sexual harassment and consistent criticism just because we exist. And it’s not only men putting down womyn, it’s other womyn doing it too... which doesn't allow anyone to grow. I want to strive for all forms of balance and diversity in this music industry because it matters that we ensure talent is seen and heard regardless of race, gender, or religion,” says LitaLotus.

Rising Up & Uplifting Others

Persevering from the ground up defines LitaLotus’ ever-evolving persona in an expanding electronic community. Like a phoenix, they rise from the ashes, showing fans everywhere that it’s possible to lift yourself up while unconditionally uplifting others. And as an artist, LitaLotus strives to center their listeners when mixing and producing the soundsystem stories she brings to life.

“I want listeners to find themselves the way I have found myself through music. Being able to blend all my favorite artists and songs together for everyone to enjoy and to share with the crowd how music has impacted me is an absolute blessing,” says LitaLotus. “I want to impact all the senses in a person when they hear me playing a set. And I want my listeners to know that through the vibe I create for them, they can be healed and loved.”

This article was originally published through Background Noise.